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- Abadi, D., T. Bertlich, J.W. Duyvendak & A. Fischer (2024) Populism Versus Nativism: Socio-Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Emotional Predictors. American Behavioral Scientist, 0 (0). DOI: 10.1177/00027642241240336
- Dekker, M.J.T. & J.W. Duyvendak (2024) Journalists’ Apprehension of Being Politically Correct: A Source of Racial Stereotyping of Street Harassment Perpetrators in the Press, Journalism Studies, 25 (4). DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2024.2312412
- Yardımcı-Geyikçi, Ş. & J.W. Duyvendak (2024) Catalysts of change: Unveiling the nexus between protest movements and party politics in the Mediterranean, Mediterranean Politics, 0 (0) DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2024.2324643
- Dooremalen, T. van & J.W. Duyvendak (2024) To foreignize or to domesticate? How media vary cross-nationally in their degrees of incorporating foreign events, Journalism, 0 (0) DOI: 10.1177/1464884923122357
- Stacey, T, J. Kesic & J.W. Duyvendak (2023), In Search of Spirit: Nativism, Liberalism’s Failures, and the Way Through, Contexts, 22 (4), 68-69. DOI: 10.1177/15365042231210833
- Waal, T. de & J.W. Duyvendak (2022) The majority oppressed? On asymmetrical multiculturalism and majority rights. Comparative migration studies 10 (42). DOI: 10.1186/s40878-022-00319-8
- Kešić, J., S.C. Frenkel, I. Speelman & J.W. Duyvendak (2022) Nativism and Nostalgia in the Netherlands. Sociological Forum, September 2022. DOI: 10.1111/socf.12841
- Bertossi, C. J.W. Duyvendak & N. Foner (2022) Introduction: Nativism and nostalgia. Temporalities in the politics of race and ethnicity in Europe and the US. Appartenances & Altérités, 2 (2022). DOI: 10.4000/alterites.282
- Jong, J. de & J. W. Duyvendak (2021) Claiming the right to belong: de-stigmatisation strategies among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Identities. Global Studies in Culture and Power, DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2021.1949816
- Boccagni, P. & J. W. Duyvendak (2021) Homemaking in the public. On the scales and stakes of framing, feeling, and claiming extra‐ domestic space as “home”. Sociology Compass, 2021;e12886. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12886
- Bertossi, C., J. W. Duyvendak & N. Foner (2020) Introduction to ‘Past in the Present: Migration and the Uses of History in the Contemporary Era’. Special Issue Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, published online October 7. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1812275
- Duyvendak. J. W. (2020) Nativist understandings. The presence of the past in contemporary Dutch debates on national identity. Special Issue Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies “Past in the Present: Migration and the Uses of History in the Contemporary Era“, published online October 7. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1812278
- Stapper, E. W. & J. W. Duyvendak (2020) Good residents, bad residents: How participatory processes in urban redevelopment privilege entrepreneurial citizens, Cities 107, article 102898 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2020.102898
- Andrikopoulos, A. & J. W. Duyvendak (2020) Introduction to ‘Migration, mobility and the dynamics of kinship: New barriers, new assemblages’. Special issue Ethnography, published online July 14, 2020. London: Sage Publications (Article in forthcoming special issue). https://doi.org/10.1177/1466138120939584
- Dekker, M.T. & J. W. Duyvendak (2020) Justifying the protest camp: How Occupy movements’ ‘intimate protest’ challenged ideas about legitimate manifestation. Published online July 7 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/23254823.2020.1777441
- Bredewold, F. L. Verplanke, T. Kampen, E. Tonkens & J. W. Duyvendak (2020) The care-receivers perspective: how care dependent people struggle with accepting help from family-members, friends and neighbours, Health and Social Care in the Community 28 (3), pp. 762-770. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12906
- Baillergeau, E. & J. W. Duyvendak (2019) Dreamless futures: a micro-sociological framework for studying how aspirations develop and wither, Critical Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2019.1707250
- Kešić, J. & J. W. Duyvendak (2019) The nation under threat: secularist, racial and populist nativism in the Netherlands. Patterns of Prejudice 53 (5), 441-463. DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.2019.1656886
- Foner, N., J.W. Duyvendak & P. Kasinitz (2019) Introduction: super-diversity in everyday life, Special issue Ethnic and Racial Studies “Super-diversity in Everyday Life” 42 (1)
- Alba, R & J. W. Duyvendak (2019) What about the mainstream? Assimilation in super-diverse times, Special issue Ethnic and Racial Studies “Super-diversity in Everyday Life” 42 (1)
- Bonjour, S & J. W. Duyvendak (2018) The “migrant with poor prospects”: racialized intersections of class and culture in Dutch civic integration debates. Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (5), pp. 882-900. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1339897
- Duyvendak, J.W. (2018) Cultural Marxism and Intersectionality. Sexualities 21 (8), pp 1300-1303. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363460718792419
- Ayuandini, S., & J. W. Duyvendak (2018) Becoming (more) Dutch as medical recommendations: how understandings of national identity enter the medical practice of hymenoplasty consultations. Nations and Nationalism 24 (2) pp. 390-411. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12329
- Verhoeven, I & J. W. Duyvendak (2017) Understanding Governmental Activism. Social Movement Studies 16 (5), pp. 564-577. https://doi.org/10.1080/14742837.2017.1338942
- Ley-Cervantes, M. & J. W. Duyvendak (2017) At home in generic places: personalizing strategies of the mobile rich, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 32 (1), 63-76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-015-9492-z
- Baillergeau, E. & J. W. Duyvendak (2016): Experiential knowledge as a resource for coping with uncertainty: evidence and examples from the Netherlands, Health, Risk & Society 18 (7-8), pp. 407-426. https://doi.org/10.1080/13698575.2016.1269878
- Wilde, M. de & Duyvendak, J. W. (2016) Engineering community spirit. The pre-figurative politics of affective citizenship in Dutch local governance. Citizenship Studies 20 (8), pp. 973-993. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2016.1229194
- Duyvendak, J. W., L. Reinders & F. Wekker (2016) Homing the Dutch: An Introduction. Home Cultures, 13 (2), pp. 87-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/17406315.2016.1190584
- Bröer, C., M. B. de Graaff, J. W. Duyvendak & R. A. Wester (2016) Engaging citizens: local interactions, policy discourse and courses of protest against mobile phone cell site deployment, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 3 (4), pp. 447 – 468
- Kešić, J. & J. W. Duyvendak (2016) Anti-nationalist nationalism: the paradox of Dutch national identity, Nations and Nationalism 22 (3), pp. 581-597
- Verhoeven, I & J. W. Duyvendak (2016) Enter emotions. Appealing to anxiety and anger in a process of municipal amalgamation, Critical Policy Studies 10 (4), 468-485 https://doi.org/10.1080/19460171.2015.1032990
- Baillergeau, E. & J.W. Duyvendak (2016) Social inequality and young people in Europe: their capacity to aspire. World social science report, 2016: Challenging inequalities; pathways to a just world. pp 155-156
- Ley-Cervantes, M. & J. W. Duyvendak (2015) Where is home? Why home is not at the same place in the USA and Europe, City 19 (5), pp. 766-769, DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2015.1071118
- Baillergeau, E., J. W. Duyvendak & S. Abdallah (2015) Heading towards a desirable future: aspirations, commitments and the capability to aspire of young Europeans. Open Citizenship 6 (1), pp. 12-23
- Grootegoed, G., E. Van Barneveld & J. W. Duyvendak (2015) What is customary about customary care? How Dutch welfare policy defines what citizens have to consider ‘normal’ at home. Critical Sociology 35 (1), pp. 110-131. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261018314544266
- Tonkens, E., Grootegoed, E., & Duyvendak, J. W. (2013). Introduction: welfare state reform, recognition and emotional labour. Social Policy and Society 12 (3), pp. 407-413
- Grootegoed, G. C. Broer & J. W. Duyvendak (2013). Too ashamed to complain: cuts to publicly financed care and clients’ waving of their right to appeal. Social Policy and Society 12 (3), pp. 475-486
- Duyvendak, J. W., R. van Reekum, F. El-Hajjari & C. Bertossi (2013). Mysterious multiculturalism. The risks of using model-based indices for making meaningful comparisons. Comparative European Politics 11 (5), pp. 599- 620
- Reekum, R. van & J. W. Duyvendak (2012) Running from our shadows: the performative impact of policy diagnoses in Dutch debates on immigrant integration. Patterns of Prejudice 46 (5), pp. 445-466
- Reekum, R. van, J. W. Duyvendak, & C. Bertossi (2012) National models of integration and the crisis of multiculturalism: a critical comparative perspective. Patterns of Prejudice 46 (5), pp. 417-426
- Mepschen, P. & J. W. Duyvendak (2012). European sexual nationalism: The culturalization of citizenship and the sexual politics of belonging and exclusion. Perspectives on Europe 42 (1), pp. 70-76
- Duyvendak, J. W. & P. Scholten (2012). Deconstructing the Dutch multicultural model: A frame perspective on Dutch immigrant integration policymaking. Comparative European Politics 10 (3), pp. 266-282
- Bertossi, C. & J. W. Duyvendak (2012). National models of immigrant integration. The costs for comparative research. Comparative European Politics 10 (3), pp. 237-247
- Berg, M. van der & J. W. Duyvendak (2012). Paternalizing mothers: feminist repertoires in comtemporary Dutch civilizing offensives. Critical Social Policy 6, pp. 1-21
- Buijs, L. , G. Hekma & J. W. Duyvendak (2011). ‘As long as they keep away from me’. Explaining anti-gay violence in a gay-friendly country. Sexualities 14 (6), pp. 632-652
- Hekma, G. & J. W. Duyvendak (2011). Queer Netherlands: A puzzling example. Sexualities 14 (6), pp. 625-631
- Duyvendak, J. W. & P. Scholten (2011). Beyond the Dutch “Multicultural Model”. The Coproduction of Integration Policy Frames in The Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration 12 (3), pp. 331-348
- Hurenkamp, M. , E. Tonkens & J. W. Duyvendak (2011). Citizenship in the Netherlands: locally produced, nationally contested. Citizenship Studies 15 (2), pp. 205-255
- Duyvendak, J. W. , & P. Scholten (2010). The invention of the Dutch multicultural model and its effects on integration discourses in the Netherlands. Perspectives on Europe 40 (2), pp. 39-49
- Mepschen, P. , J. W. Duyvendak & E. Tonkens (2010). Sexual Politics, Orientalism, and the Multicultural of Citizenship in the Netherlands. Sociology 44 (5), pp. 962-979
- Bröer, C. & J. W. Duyvendak (2009) Discursive opportunities, feeling rules and the rise of protests against aircraft noise. Mobilization: An International Journal 14 (3), pp. 337-356
- Uitermark, J. & J. W. Duyvendak (2008). Civilizing the city: populism and revanchist urbanism in Rotterdam. Urban Studies 45 (7), pp. 1485-1504
- Uitermark, J. & J. W. Duyvendak (2008). Citizen participation in a mediated age: neighbourhood governance in the Netherlands. International Journal for Urban and Regional Research 32 (1), pp.114-134
- Uitermark, J. , J. W. Duyvendak & R. Kleinhans (2007). Gentrification as a governmental strategy. Social control and social cohesion in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam. Environment and Planning A 39, pp. 125-141
- Duyvendak, J. W. & T. Nederland (2007). New frontiers for identity politics? The potential and pitfalls of patient and civic identity in the Dutch patients’ health movement. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change 27, pp. 261-282
- Krouwel, A. , N. Boonstra, J. W. Duyvendak & L. Veldboer (2006). A Good sport? Research into the capacity of recreational sport to integrate Dutch minorities. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 41 (2), pp. 165-180
- Rijkschroeff, R. , G. ten Dam, J. W. Duyvendak, M. de Gruijter & T. Pels (2005). Educational policies on migrants and minorities in the Netherlands: success or failure? Journal of Education Policy 20, pp.417-435
2003 – 1992
- Tonkens, E. & J. W. Duyvendak (2003). Paternalism – caught between rejection and acceptance: taking care and taking control in community work. Community Development Journal 38 (1), pp. 6-15
- Chabot, S. & J. W. Duyvendak (2002). Globalization and transnational diffusion between social movements: essentialist diffusionism and beyond. Theory and Society 31, pp. 697-740
- Veldboer, L. , R. Kleinhans & J. W. Duyvendak (2002). The diversified neighborhood: an international perspective. How do countries deal with the spatial distribution of economic and cultural differences? Journal of International Migration and Integration 3 (1), pp. 41-63
- Koopmans, R. & J. W. Duyvendak (1995). The political construction of the nuclear energy issue and its impact on the mobilization of anti-nuclear movements in Western Europe. Social Problems 42, pp.235-251
- Duyvendak, J. W. (1995). From revolution to involution: the disappearance of the gay movement in France. Journal of Homosexuality 29 (4), pp. 369-358
- Kriesi, H. , R. Koopmans, J. W. Duyvendak & M. Giugni (1992). New social movements and political opportunities in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research 22, pp. 219-244