English book chapters

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  • Duyvendak, J.W. & M. Schnell (2024) The culturalization and emotionalization of citizenship. In M.G. Cabeza & T. Faist (eds.), Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 399-404 DOI:10.4337/9781800880467.ch69


  • Duyvendak, J.W. (2023), Home, nativism and migration. In P. Boccagni, Handbook on Home and Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 195–205. DOI:10.4337/9781800882775.00025
  • Kešić, J. & J.W. Duyvendak (2023) Racial Nativism. In: J. Solomos (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197663035.003.0005.





  • Slootman, M. & J.W. Duyvendak (2018) The politics of belonging: religiosity and identification among second-generation Moroccan Dutch. In: Bozorgmehr, M. & P. Kasinitz (eds.) Growing Up Muslim in Europe and the United States. New York: Routledge, pp 111-129







  • Broer, C. & J.W. Duyvendak (2011) Sensing and Seizing Opportunities: How Contentious Actors and Strategies Emerge. In: J. Goodwin & J. Jasper (eds.) Contention in Context. Political Opportunities and the Emergence of Protest. Stanford: Stanford California Press, pp. 240-255
  • Hekma, G. & J.W. Duyvendak (2011) Gay men and lesbians in the Netherlands. In: S. Seidman, N. Fischer & C. Meeks (eds.) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies. New York: Routledge, pp. 273-277
  • Hekma, G. & J.W. Duyvendak (2011) The Netherlands: Depoliticization of Homosexuality and Homosexualization of Politics. In: M. Tremblay, D. Paternotte and C. Johnson (eds.) The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State. Comparative Insights into a Transformed Relationship. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 103-117
  • Chabot, S. & J.W. Duyvendak (2011) Globalization and Transnational Diffusion between Social Movements: Reconceptualizing the Dissemination of the Gandhian Repertoire and the “Coming Out” Routine. In: C.E. Zirakzadeh (ed.) Social and Political movements. Theorizing about Movements after World War II. London: Sage, pp. 309-348


  • Tonkens, E. , M. Hurenkamp & J.W. Duyvendak (2010). Culturalization of Citizenship in the Netherlands. In: A.C. d’Appollonia & S. Reich (eds.) Managing Ethnic Diversity After 9/11. Integration, Security, and Civil Liberties in Transatlantic Perspective. London: Rutgers University Press, pp. 233-252







1996 – 1993

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