
Debate night: Promises and Pitfalls of Liberalism.

Navigating between nostalgic nativism and hopeful realism.

March 29, SPUI25 together with Amsterdam Centre for European Studies ACES. Sign up

Liberalism has been much maligned in the last decade for its failure to provide people with a sense of collective identity and meaning. But for many people, liberal ideas themselves provide this meaning. In this interdisciplinary exchange, two books are discussed that, respectively, explore the extraordinary rise of nativism in liberal societies, and the possibilities for revivifying liberal ideals in a changing world.

The event begins with a short introduction of The Return of the Native: Can Liberalism Safeguard Us Against Nativism? (Duyvendak & Kesic, with Stacey 2023) by one of its authors, Josip Kesic. This introduction is followed by two discussants and a response from Jan Willem Duyvendak. The Return of the Native explores the extraordinary rise of nativism in liberal settings, paying particular attention to nativist narratives that intertwine islamophobia, racism, populism and nostalgia.


Ceux qui sont nés quelque part… et qui veulent en exclure les autres

Parler aujourd’hui d’immigration ou d’islam, c’est avancer en terrain miné.
C’est le cas depuis un certain nombre d’années dans l’arène médiatique et politique. Mais ce qui est nouveau, c’est que ce constat s’applique désormais également à toute forme d’analyse rationnelle du sujet : en témoignent par exemple les accusations d’islamo-gauchisme à l’encontre de certains universitaires et personnalités publiques.

Autre nouveauté : l’ultra-droite n’est plus le seul épicentre de la sensibilité extrême de ces thèmes. Tout le spectre politique, de la gauche à la droite, est désormais soumis aux mêmes polémiques, généralement traversées par la question de la laïcité. Il n’est plus d’espace où l’on puisse appréhender sereinement et sérieusement ces réalités.

En comparant le modèle français (dit républicain) et le modèle néerlandais (dit multiculturel), souvent opposés comme « universaliste » et « communautariste », on prend conscience que ces clivages n’ont plus – voire n’ont jamais eu – d’assise réelle. Émerge alors la notion de « nativisme », ce présupposé selon lequel plus votre présence et celle de votre famille sont anciennes dans un pays, plus vous y avez de droits.

L’analyse de cette idéologie, développée ici par deux sociologues et un député engagé pour les droits humains, permet de comprendre les nouveaux mécanismes d’exclusion qui minent nos sociétés, pour mieux lutter contre eux.

Participate! Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action

Boekpresentatie 10 juni, Pakhuis de Zwijger

Resultaten van vijf jaar onderzoek naar participatie en stedelijke ontwikkeling

Participate! Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action is een inleiding tot de complexe wereld van de stadsontwikkeling, identiteit en participatie. In het boek wordt uitgelegd hoe in het zelfbeeld van steden resoneert in hun benadering van de stadsontwikkeling. De basis van dit R-Link project bestaat uit zes portretten van Europese steden: Berlijn, Hamburg, Parijs, Lyon, Amsterdam en Groningen.

Over de conclusies gaan de auteurs in gesprek met de Amsterdamse wethouder Rutger Groot Wassink die zich inzet voor meer en nieuwe vormen van democratisering. En met econoom en stedelijk strateeg Najah Aouaki, die strijdt voor een inclusievere stad. Info & aanmelden

Super-Diversity in Everyday Life

The special issue in Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(1) is now also published as a hardback.

“Presenting several in-depth studies, this book explores how super-diversity operates in every-day relations and interactions in a variety of urban settings in Western Europe and the United States.

The contributors raise a broad range of questions about the nature and effects of super-diversity. They ask if a quantitative increase in demographic diversity makes a qualitative difference in how diversity is experienced in urban neighborhoods, and what are the consequences of demographic change when people from a wide range of countries and social backgrounds live together in urban neighborhoods. The question at the core of the book is to what extent, and in what contexts, super-diversity leads to either the normalization of diversity or to added hostility towards and amongst those in different ethnic, racial, and religious groups. In cases where there is no particular ethno-racial or religious majority, are certain long-established groups able to continue to exert economic and political power, and is this continued economic and political dominance actually often facilitated by super-diversity?

With contributions from a number of European countries as well as the USA, this book will be of interest to researchers studying contemporary migration and ethnic diversity. It will also spark discussion amongst those focusing on multiculturalism in urban environments. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Decentralisaties bedreigen democratie, professionaliteit en solidariteit

Meerjarig onderzoek over de stand van de participatiesamenleving, vijf jaar nadat de Koning deze uitriep.

Het boek De verhuizing van de verzorgingsstaat is het eerste grote en meerjarige kwalitatieve onderzoek naar de decentralisaties die in 2015 van kracht werden: van de jeugdzorg, de participatiewet en de langdurige zorg. Het boek bevat onder meer bijdragen van Femmianne Bredewold, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Thomas Kampen, Evelien Tonkens en Loes Verplanke.

In de media

Thuis. Het drama van een sentimentele samenleving

Nieuw boek verschenen bij Amsterdam University Press.

‘In Thuis. Het drama van een sentimentele samenleving gaat Jan Willem Duyvendak in op verschillende aspecten van ons thuisgevoel. Hij betoogt dat veel van onze conflicten, frustraties én het populistische ressentiment voortkomen uit de gedachte dat we een recht hebben op thuisgevoel. Door de politisering en de grenzeloze populariteit van thuis’ raken we echter alleen maar verder van huis.

Thuis is in de mode. We zien het in de media, waar Ikea-reclames en romantische speelfilms ons eraan herinneren dat er geen plek is zoals thuis, we lezen het in de pamfletten van politieke partijen, die stellen dat ‘iedereen zich thuis moet voelen in Nederland’, en we zien het om ons heen: iedereen probeert zich een thuis te maken, in huis, in de wijk, in de stad en in de natie. En de politiek steunt burgers daar nadrukkelijk bij. Burgers moeten integreren, elkaar ontmoeten en zich verbonden voelen en identificeren met buurt, stad en land. Thuisvoelen is niet vrijblijvend, thuisvoelen is noodzakelijk en moet.’  Lees meer

The Culturalization of Citizenship. Belonging and Polarization in a Globalizing World

9781137534095Jan Willem Duyvendak, Peter Geschiere, Evelien Tonkens (Eds.)

New edited book at Palgrave Macmillan

Presentation on October 18th, SPUI25: Gender, sexuality and belonging in a globalizing world

The notion of citizenship has gradually evolved from being simply a legal status or practice to a deep sentiment. Belonging, or feeling at home, has become a requirement. This groundbreaking book analyzes how ‘feeling rules’ are developed and applied to migrants, who are increasingly expected to express feelings of attachment, belonging, connectedness and loyalty to their new country. More than this, however, it demonstrates how this culturalization of citizenship is a global trend with local variations, which develop in relation to each other. The authors pay particular attention to the intersection between sexuality, race and ethnicity, spurred on by their awareness of the dialectical construction of homosexuality, held up as representative of liberal Western values by both those in the West and by African leaders, who use such claims as proof that homosexuality is un-African.

The Pitfalls of Normalization: The Dutch Case and the Future of Equality

9781479883080_FullChapter in After Marriage Equality: The Future of LGBT Rights (New York University Press, 2016)

Order here with 20% discount

Reviews about the book:

“Important and timely. . . . It asks precisely the right question at precisely the right time. And, thanks to Carlos A. Ball’s careful work and exceptional reputation, it solicits the views of some of the most important scholars working on these questions across a range of disciplines.”

—Douglas NeJaime, University of California, Los Angeles


“What a timely and impressive collection this is! . . . Asks  important and timely questions about the future of the LGBT movement and addresses them with analytical rigor and insight. Assuming that same-sex marriage is legalized in the United States, just what would this development mean for the future of the LGBT movement in the United States and globally? And what important organizing and policy work will still need to be accomplished? What challenges should be prioritized and why? This book interrogates these questions and more from an array of diverse perspectives and it should be of interest to teachers, scholars, activists, and citizens. It is an invaluable contribution to the literature.”

—Craig Rimmerman, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


“Terrific!  Ball’s book is a gift to readers interested in LGBT rights and many critical social and civil rights questions of our time.  Its outstanding collection of expert authors advances a well-rounded and well-grounded interdisciplinary framework for thinking about the future.”

—Suzanne B. Goldberg, Herbert and Doris Wechsler Clinical Professor of Law, Columbia University


“Written for students, activists, and academics alike, this highly readable and engaging collection takes on the most important question now facing the LGBT movement—now that we have marriage equality, where should we go from here? All the contributors are long-time analysts of the LGBT movement and provide a unique vantage point from which to assess the future directions of the LGBT movement. They provide not only their analysis, but their advice for the future, which should make this mandatory reading for anyone who cares about the future of LGBT politics.”

—Mary Bernstein, University of Connecticut