- June 9-11
Conference on Studies of Belonging. ‘Mapping Belonging as a field of study, Establishing future networks’. Online
- July 26, 1:35 pm
‘Jan Willem Duyvendak: de onttovering van thuis’. Brainwash Talks, Human
- September 4
‘Celebrating Slow Science’. Speech during Opening Academic Year NIAS-KNAW 2019-2020
- June 3
Lecture at the international conference Stonewall at 50 and beyond: Interrogating the Legacy and Memory of the 1969 Riots. University of Paris-Est Créteil, France - April 11
Panel discussion at The Future of Europe. Nationalism and Populism as a Threat to Democracy? Instituto Cervantes, New York - March 13
‘Professioneel ongehoorzaam?’ Lezing op de Dag van de Sociaal Werker. Reehorst, Ede
- October 16
‘The Return of the Native. Understanding Progressive Dutch Nativism.’ Lecture at Amsterdam University College. Common Room AUC, Amsterdam - September 13
Presentatie van boek ‘De verhuizing van de verzorgingsstaat’. Sociale Vraagstukken, Utrecht - August 1
‘Homonationalisatie en mensenrechten’. Lezing bij conferentie ‘LHBTI kunnen zijn is een mensenrecht’. Pride Amsterdam & College voor de Rechten van de Mens - April 6
Lecture at conference Who Belongs? Global Citizenship and Gender in the 21st Century. Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Harvard University, Cambridge - January 29
Lecture at exhibition (t)huis / (at) home, focussing on the reduction of the distance to those who do not have a home, or experience their home in a negative way, in order to create mutual understanding. Galerie Hommes, Rotterdam
- January 27
Talk after screening of the film ‘Western’ by Valeska Grisebach. International Film Festival Rotterdam, 15:30
- December 13
Oost, west, thuis, best. Hoe leef je als vreemden in een stad? En hoe gaan we om met toerisme en stedelijke vernieuwing? Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam - December 13
NSV Actualiteitencollege. Is nabij beter? FLYER(pdf). Nederlandse Sociologische Vereniging, Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag - December 7
In gesprek met Nanda Oudejans en Kiza Magendane na vertoning ‘De Verloren Dochter’. De Balie, Amsterdam - November 23
Knowledge, Power and Diversity. Michèle Lamont, Philomena Essed and Jan Willem Duyvendak in conversation. SPUI25, Amsterdam - October 21
Lecture at conference Populism. Between resentment and resistance. University of Amsterdam - October 20
Sir Patrick Giliam Workshop. London School of Economics. - September 6
Dwarsdenkers en tegengeluiden. Lezing Studium Generale, Universiteit Utrecht - May 24
Wat is de invloed van globalisering en de politiek op ons thuisgevoel? Te gast bij Aan tafel! bij Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam - May 23
Wordt de stad homogener en wat staat er in dat geval op het spel? Te gast bij Stadsgesprek: Vrijstaat Amsterdam, De Balie, Amsterdam
- December 8
Vrouwen-, homorechten: natuur, cultuur of universele mensenrechten? Bijeenkomst Amsterdamse Academische Club
- November 14
“All About Tolerance? Remembering the Migration Past in Amsterdam and the Netherlands”
At conference Migration and Refugees Today: Giving History It’s Place in Debates and Research Budapest Central European University
- November 4
Seminar “Homing the Dutch” Politics and the Planning of Belonging November 4th, 15:00- 17:30, drinks afterwards
Potgieterzaal UB, Singel 425 Invitation (pdf)
- October 18
‘National culture versus human rights. Gender, sexuality and belonging in a globalizing world.’ Event on the occasion of the publication of the book Culturalization of Citizenship. Belonging & polarization in a globalizing world.
SPUI25, Academisch-cultureel podium, 20:00 – 21:30
- October 18
‘Disengaging Culturalism: Artistic Strategies of Young Muslims in The Netherlands’, promotie Brechtje ter Meer, Universiteit van Amsterdam
- October 17
‘Urban Cosmopolitanisms: Methodological and Theoretical Issues.’, International workshop, INALCO, Paris
- October 6
‘Het functioneren van de participatiesamenleving. Wat weten we er eigenlijk van … en wat (nog) niet?’ Bijeenkomst van de Kring van Amsterdamse Sociologen en de Kring Andragologie over het functioneren van de participatiesamenleving.
SPUI25, Academisch-cultureel podium, 19:00 – 21:30
- July 6
Yannis Tzaninis defending his thesis ‘Building Utopias on Sand. The production of space in Almere and the future of suburbia.’
- June 29
Limits to protest: depoliticization, technological innovation and civic affect. Event where Bert de Graaf is defending his thesis ‘Should I be worried? Citizens’ experiences and the risk politics of cell site deployment.’ With Sander van Haperen, Davide Beraldo en Imrat Verhoeven. Universiteitstheater 3.01, June 28th 2016, 16:30 – 18:00, drinks after
- June 23 & 24
Giving History its Place in Migration & Refugee Debates & Research, with Christophe Bertossi. Paris Institute for Advanced Study
- June 10
PhD student Judith Elshout defending her thesis ‘Roep om respect. Ervaringen van werklozen in een meritocratiserende samenleving.’ Agnietenkapel, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 10:00
- April 4
Workshop on Super-Diversity: A Transatlantic Conversation. CUNY Graduate Center, New York
- January 25
Panellid bij EU@Amsterdam #1: De stad, barmhartig en onverdraagzaam. Amsterdam: Pakhuis de Zwijger
- November 13
Lecture series Civic Affects ‘Emotions and Social Movements’. With James M. Jasper. Organized by Dr. Marci Cottingham & Prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak
- October 16
‘De schaduwkanten van thuis’. Lezing op symposium Partage Journal: Thuis. Utrecht, Universiteit voor Humanistiek
- October 12
Referent at book launch ‘Strangers No More. Immigration and the Challenges of Integration in North America and Western Europe’. Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit
- September 25
Lecture series Civic Affects ‘Political Mood of the Dutch’. With Paul Dekker, Esther Schrijver, Christian Bröer. Organized by Dr. Marci Cottingham & Prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak
- August 28
‘Immigrants and the domesticization of public spaces in Europe’. Lecture at conference ‘The Ideal City Between Myth and Reality’, Urbino, Italy.